The Blog

The Autism Rescue Angels blog is a compilation of content from social media posts collected and categorized so our readers can use it as an information resource. Here you will find thoughts we’ve shared, links to informational and educational articles, and tidbits from the trenches. Our goal is simply to share knowledge because sometimes information is more valuable than a fiscal grant could ever be.


Learn. Demand Action.

I wanted to share this article and some key points, I know I say over and over. Autism is defined as a disability people as in disabled. As in not able to lead a typically healthy independent life and for some people it comes with comorbid conditions of complete...

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World Autism Day

So here we are again. World Autism Day. Not sure what that means anymore - when Tyler was diagnosed in 2004 the t-shirt I was given at my first "support walk" said 1 in 150 on the back. What are we going to do when it is 1 in 2? Who will take care of this next...

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Here We Go Autism Awareness Month

As we roll into "autism awareness month" tomorrow, I want to preemptively share a piece I think is well written and that I agree with. I take some comfort that this year "autism month" begins on what also happens to be Easter Sunday. For our family, our faith is what...

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Kevin and Avonte’s Law Has Passed.

Repost from National Autism Association Kevin and Avonte's Law has passed and will help save lives in the autism community and beyond. To all of those through the years who made phone calls, wrote letters, and advocated for police training, wandering prevention...

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Autism Is Medical

Someone sent this link to me and suggested I share. I agree with most of what it has to say... Autism is medical. Tyler was officially given the diagnosis of encephalopathy NOS many years ago by a neurologist, and then eosinophilic esophagitis, and then irritable...

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What Keeps Autism Moms Awake At Night?

I had so many autism moms of younger kids send me this after they saw my post that I took Tyler out for lemonade frozen ice in Fulshear by myself Saturday night. They know Tyler is 225 pounds 5'10" now and even after years of therapy still on the low to moderate end...

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Six Months After Hurricane Harvey

If you replace the words flood victim with autism it's basically the same concept of feeling isolated and alone as you move on with your life.And if you're an autism family who is also a Harvey flood victim well......

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Featured on KHOU

Check out this news story featuring our board member Elaine Turner and the Guppy’s – an autism family who is one of our first families receiving much needed funds from our nonprofit. Thank you Mia Gradney!!

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