Apply for Funds

If you’ve landed on this page and you’re seeking funds. The first thing we want you to know is that you are not alone. We understand where you are and we want to help you. For information about applying, please read below.

FAQ’s of Applying

How do I apply?

Email us for details and an application. Complete the application and mail it with supporting documentation to: 27 Hollingers Island Katy, TX 77450

What do we fund?
Autism Rescue Angels currently provides funding for families struggling to cover costs associated with diagnosis and evaluations, therapies, respite care, medication and emergency medical needs.

Our goal is to someday support tuition in the form of scholarships. Currently, we are unable to grant tuition assistance.

Who do we fund?
Autism Rescue Angels funds families with financial hardships due to the fact they have a loved one with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis, or a suspected ASD diagnosis.
How do we decide?
If your family has an ASD diagnosis or is seeking diagnosis you are a candidate. We take applications in the order received. Financial need is not based on an income minimum or maximum but is considered on a case by case basis. Specific parameters have been defined by the Autism Rescue Angels Board of Directors.
How often do we distribute funds?
Autism Rescue Angels typically disperses funds twice a year. We start accepting applications in January for disbursement in the spring (typically April). Applications received following spring disbursement will be considered for the winter distribution (typically in November). We consider applications in the order in which they are received. If you have submitted an application, we will let you know we received it as soon as possible.  Our goal is to distribute funds thoughtfully and carefully to the families that we know are in need and waiting.

In the case of special circumstances, such as Hurricane Harvey, Autism Rescue Angels may choose to distribute funds at other times throughout the year.

When can I expect to hear back?
We are experiencing a high volume of applications, and the wait time for funding has been extended. Upon receipt of your application, we will then review to determine if parameters have been met. If you qualify as a candidate for funds we will put you on the wait list for funding. Timing is dependent on donations. We will notify you when funds become available to cover your request for assistance. We are continuously working to bring in donations.